Our Ministries
Over 30 ministries are at work within First Baptist Church. 

We encourage you to pray about how some of the ministries here can serve as an outlet for you to exercise your unique gifts and calling.
If you find that connection, please consider joining one of these great ministries today.

If there is nothing that matches your gifts, talents, and abilities, let’s talk about how we can create a space for you to be your best as a disciple for Jesus Christ (Colossians 3:17).
Roll up those sleeves, and work your gifts!

FBC Ministry Menu
Alcoholics Anonymous
A fellowship of people who come together to achieve sobriety

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Allied Churches of Alamance County
Prevents and ends homelessness and food insecurity through collaborative community efforts

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Angel Tree Ministry
Reaches out to children of prisoners and their families to help meet their physical, emotional and spiritual needs.

Beautification Ministry
Utilizes talents to enhance and create a beautiful place for members and guests to magnify the Lord.
Biblical Counseling & Grief Share Ministry
Provides Biblical Counseling and support for members in the healing process after a loss.
Birthday Ministry
Acknowledges and plans celebrations for members’ birthdays.
Couples Ministry
Strengthens and encourages marriages through Scripture and other spiritual literature.

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Culinary Ministry
Plans, purchases, and prepares food for church events.
Drama Ministry
Provides dramatic performances that inspires and draws people deeper into worship.
Health Ministry, 
 First Aid Response Team

An intentional God led ministry that promotes positive lifestyle changes, educates, motivates and engages our community of faith to be passionate and committed about their physical, emotional and spiritual health.

Gives directions and assesses individuals in need of emergency medical attention during worship services and special events.

Helping Hands Ministry
Assists the church office in folding church bulletins and performing other administrative duties.
Honors & Awards Ministry
Recognizes First Baptist school age children and youth for school, church, and community activities.

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Hospitality Ministry
Greets and welcomes worshippers as they enter our church, creating a warm and friendly environment.
Laymen's League
Stands with the Senior Pastor as ‘Men on The Wall’ in making a difference for widows, widowers, sick, infirmed, helpless and hopeless.
Impact the community with needed and caring services and invite all people into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.
Multimedia Ministry
Uses technology and media as a worship and outreach tool.
Music Ministry
Leads the congregation in worship and praise, and consists of the Male Chorus, Praise Team, Voices of Praise Choir, and Youth Choir

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Outreach & Compassion Ministry
Delivers meals to homeless and homebound people in the community; provides spiritual nutrition to the incarcerated.
Poetry in Motion Ministry
We seek to be a catalyst for positive change through the spoken, poetic word, as we look within, to work without. Through the spoken word, we strive to make a spiritual connection that will manifest in ‘good works.
Scholarship Ministry
Aids First Baptist youth in their pursuit of higher education by awarding scholarships and teaching skills necessary for successful high school completion.

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Security Ministry
Provides surveillance to safeguard church members, guests, and church properties. Conducts walk-through inspections, escorts members to vehicles upon request, and interacts with local law enforcement as needed.
Seniors Ministry
To bear witness of the love and power of God in the lives of men and women ages 55+ with fellowship activities that address the spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional, social and wellness needs of "Seasoned Saints".

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Sick and Shut In Ministry
Provides support, encouragement, and prayers for the members on the sick and shut in list and others.
Singles Ministry
Provides a class setting where adult singles of all ages can meet to study the truth of God’s Holy word as it pertains to the single life, spiritual growth, and maturity, as well as Christian service.
Special Ops & Evangelism Ministry
Our purpose is found in "The Great Commission": To spread the good news so that we can be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ.
Sunday School Ministry
Provides parishioners with opportunities to grow in Christ through the study of God’s Word.

 Classes meet each Sunday morning from 9:00-9:40am

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Transportation Ministry
Provides transportation for seniors, youth, and all who need transportation, to attend various church services and activities.
Travel Ministry
Provides fellowship and learning opportunities for youth and adults through travel.
Usher Ministry
Creates a warm Christian environment through greeting and seating members and guests before and during worship.
Vacation Bible School
Summer multi-day educational enrichment activity open to church and community.
Widows & Widowers Ministry
Gives physical and emotional support to those who are struggling with the loss of their loved one. To provide a sounding board and become a social network of support for Widows and Widowers.
Wings of Destiny
Ministers through dance during worship services.
Women's Ministry
Provides opportunities to inspire, equip, and challenge women in their growth and relationship in Christ.
Young Adult Ministry - Come As You Are
Youth Ministry
The Youth Ministry is a multi-faceted ministry designed to equip, prepare, and encourage students to live out their faith in Jesus Christ, and to become more involved in their spiritual lives.

 In addition to Sunday School, the Youth Ministry also includes cultural and other Christian education activities.

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Human Resources
He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.

Ephesians 4:16 NLT

Contact us to discuss a ministry that interests you.
508 Apple St. Burlington, NC 27217  || 336-227-2542
10am EST Weekly Sunday Service  :  Sanctuary and Live Streamed
9am Weekly Sunday School
6pm Tuesday Bible Study : Sanctuary
12pm Wednesday Bible Study : Annex
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